Award winning art direction, Jamie magazine. Antonio Carluccio, Jamie Oliver & Gennaro Contaldo art directed by Andrew Jackson and is one of his Lord Loftus favourite covers, inspired by Federico Fellini. Photograph: David Loftus.
Digital award winning title Jamie magazine, cherry ice cream photo: Jonathan Gregson, food & props: Jodene Jordan. Vongole photo: David Munns, Props: props Ltd & Andrew Jackson, food: Andy Harris & Claire Knivett.
Jamie Oliver Magazine, featuring Ceviche restaurant London. Martin Morales & head chef Jorge da Silva Baumhauer, photos: Laura Edwards, props: Victoria Allen, words: Heather Taylor. Pollo, Pulpo, Panza con sauco, fiestita de bavette.
Jamie Oliver Magazine, Italian cheese, photos: David Munns, props: Victoria Allen, recipes & food styling: Maddie Rix. Typography: Darren Newman. Stuffed artichokes, seadas, a Sardinian sweet fritter with honey. Ricotta ravioli.
Jamie Oliver Magazine, Tropical fruit feature, photography: Maja Smend, props: Victoria Allen, recipes: Mariana Chaves & food styling: Lizzie Harris. Cashew nut tart with guava sorbet, mango Pisco ice lollies.
Jamie Oliver Mag, Koya Bar, Shuko Oda, portrait: Matt Munro, recipe pics: Kate Whitaker, props: Rachel Jukes, food styling: Aya Nishimura. Opening shots: Andrew Jackson. Dashi, Kombu, pickles, udon, shiso.
Love Leftovers:  Zero waste, photos: Maja Smend, Recipes & food styling: Anna Jones. Poached citrus Fruit, pancakes, root veg, vegetarian,  cranberry, Brussel sprouts, leek crumble pie, cranberries. Festive Jamie Oliver.
Seasonal beetroot recipes by Jamie Oliver. Tara Fisher pics, portrait: Andrew Jackson, Pip Spence, Abi Fawcett, Maddie Rix, Vic Allen. Niçoise salad, pickled beetroot, curry, bloody Mary’s & Aussie burgers.
Recipes by Miss Saigon cast, art directed by Andrew Jackson. Pics: David Loftus, Prince Edward Theatre & fifteen restaurant London. Pho, Jon Jon Briones, Rachelle Ann Go’s gising gising. Papaya salad. Jamie Oliver mag.


Hearst UK's magazine acquisition of Jamie, the magazine from Jamie Oliver. Re-design by Andrew Jackson, Portrait photography by David Loftus. Chocolate, fruity puddings, sourdough, recipes.
Hearst UK & Jamie Oliver. Portrait & food photos: David Loftus. Padella restaurant London feature photography: Chris Terry. Brunch, toast, smoothie, Sicilian lemon coffee, Theo Randall, InterContinental, lard bebe, Burro e Salva.
Jamie Oliver magazine. Green Kitchen Stories, Portrait & food photos: Simon Bajada, Recipes David Frenkiel & Luise Vindahl. Traybake, soup, salad, feast & family pasta with kids & children.
Jamie Oliver. Greek: Pics: Jonathan Gregson, Recipes & styling: Susie Theodorou. Cool Aid pics: Simon Bajada, recipes: Maddie Rix, Food styling: Elspeth Allison; Props: Morag Farquhar.  Red snapper, rum, piña, watermelon.
Jamie Magazine by Jamie Oliver. Photos, recipes, styling: Simon Bajada, props: Lydia Brun. Danish, sugar bread, Tosca cake, anise star cookies, ginger & candy cane loaf, saffron & hazelnut wreath. Cup of coffee.
Worldwide chefs & food influencers. Antonio Carluccio, Jeremy Lee, Mark Hix, Mina Holland, Sam & Sam Clark, Kyle Newton, Lily Vanilli, pics: Lizzie Maison. Green Kitchen Stories Photos: Simon Bajada.
Jamie Magazine by Jamie Oliver. Asian street food feature. Photography: Gareth Morgans, Food styling: Sunil Vijayakar; Prop styling: Tabitha Hawkins. Opening graphic illustration and art direction; by Andrew Jackson
Jamie Oliver. Easy does it, Photos: Carolyn Barber,  recipes & food styling; Rosie Reynolds, props: Tonia Shuttleworth. AD: Andrew Jackson. Indian spices, turmeric, potatoes. Borlotti beans, ingredients, houmous, hummus.
Jamie mag & app. Apples: Alicia Taylor, Myles Williamson, Linda Berlin. Dessert Island dish: Joel Penkman. Broad beans: Simon Bajada, Charlie Clapp, Lizzie Harris, Morag Farquhar. Fritters, amaretto, piccagge, urchins.


BBC Good Food Magazine, Food brand of the year 2012, & App of the Year. Summer time, stickiest ever BBQ ribs with corn on the cob & sour cream, record selling mag. Rainbow cake with augmented content (ai) big hitter too.
Award winning art direction, food brand of the year, and App of the Year 2012. Queen Elizabeth’s Jubilee cherry trifle by Mary Berry & Mac & cheese with crunch crumb & pancetta winter warmer. BBC Good Food Magazine. Regular Gordon Ramsay features.
BBC Good Food Pasta Layout, David Munns Photograph, Prop styling by at Props Limited and food styling by Lizzie Harris. Recipes: Cassie best, shoot direction: Andrew Jackson. Venetian duck rags, conchigglioni, walnut & pepper pesto, orecchiette.
BBC Good Food Tropical Layout, Craig Robertson Photography, Prop styling by Jo Harris, recipes & food styling: Jennifer Joyce, shoot direction is by Andrew Jackson. Lime leaf lemongrass & mango curry, Lychee & passion fruit Panna cottas
Photography by Myles New, prop styling by Penny Markham, Recipes by Sarah Cook and food styling by Bridgette Sargeson
Rhubarb photography by Peter Cassidy, food styling by Julia Azzarello, prop styling by Lucy Harvey, Curd photograph by David Munns. Street food baking photography by David Munns, food styling by Jane Hornby, prop styling by Victoria Allen, recipes by


California Medjool Date Council, logo redesign and label design.


Barney Desmazery set this bread company up during the pandemic. Barney was renowned for supplying local residents of West London with high quality sour dough bread. He is the master baker.


3 of 9 labels designed for the aromatic London aged vinegars by Andy Harris.


Artisan, small batch quince jelly label design. Made for local deli's in West London.


Providing all branding from stickers to to paint specifications. This was a lovely project to work on. The Ealing grocer is a local business set up during the pandemic, supplying the community with the best produce from the UK and Europe.



Client: McColl’s | sundae illustration: Joël Penkman Family mince pie photograph: David Munns | prop styling: Sarah Birks | food styling: Katy Greenwood.
Burger varieties shot for McColl's Morrisson's. Food & prop styling: Joanna Resiak , Photography & art direction: Andrew Jackson
McColl’s/Morisson’s dippy egg photograph; Toby Scott | food styling: Rosie Reynolds | prop styling Jenny Iggleden  Hot diggity dog photograph: Craig Robertson | food & prop styling: Angela Boggiano assisted by: Daisy Hogg. Nail art by Sophie Bennett.
McColl's Morrisson's, hotdogs, sausages and bonfire night cooking. Prop & food styling: Joanna Resiak, photos & art direction: Andrew Jackson.
Autumn and World Cup 2023 covers; Toffee apple pic: Craig Robertson, food & prop styling: Angela Boggianon. Sandwiche pic: David Munns, food & prop styling: Kitty Coles. Morrisson's acquired McColl's in 2022.
Simple midweek meals for the family. Art direction: Andrew Jackson, Prop styling: Jenny iggleden, food styling: Troy Willis, Photography: Toby Scott.
Western style BBQ fruit desserts. Art direction: Andrew Jackson, Prop styling: Jenny iggleden, food styling: Troy Willis, Photography: Toby Scott.